Monday, June 6, 2011

Good memories of my schooldays at the BAKIP in Linz

Before deciding to go to university, I attended the BAKIP in Linz, a high school that specializes in training students to become kindergarten teachers when they graduate. I still have a lot of good memories of my time there. We were a vivacious class of thirty girls and two boys and we experienced a lot together, including going on a sailing trip to the Netherlands and attending an adventurous sports camp in the Austrian province of Carinthia. To celebrate the five-year anniversary of our school-leaving examination, we’re having a class reunion this month and I just recently got the invitation. I want to dedicate this blog post about my life before university to my former classmates. 

It was nice spending time before the examination with these classmates. Thinking back to these times sometimes makes me sad, knowing that most of us have lost contact over the years as everyone has realized their own projects, like studying in Vienna or Graz, working abroad in Australia or Ireland or  working in a kindergarten in a remote village near the Czech border. Once in a while we organize a class get-together, but apart from everyday chit chatting, we don’t really have a lot in common any more. It’s still amazing to listen to what all of them have accomplished, where they are working or studying and how they have moved forward in life. Every time we meet, there are exciting things to be told. The most independently minded person in the class got married, the nice family-type girl decided to spend a year in Australia and one is currently on an adventurous trip around the world. We still share the excitement of the others, and last time a good friend of mine told us that she had finally been admitted to the advanced technical college she had been trying for so long to get into.

Somehow, it’s astonishing how a few people can be bound together for such a long time after spending only five years together in school. They accompanied me through a very important period of life and I’ll always feel part of the group even though we’re not really together anymore. I’m really looking forward to the upcoming reunion and I’m already excited to find out what all the others have been doing the past year! One classmate will certainly show us her wedding photos, and the others…??

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